Imagine Living the Life You Dreamed of Having…
Know that your life story is tied to your upbringing, what you heard, felt, and experienced. This helps create who you are today and impacts how you respond to the world. If you suffered neglect, abuse or trauma, it is deeply ingrained in your psyche and needs to be released and cleared. If you aren’t living the life you thought you would, I can help you. Everyone’s experience is unique and even members of the same family responded differently to the environment they grew up in. It is important to know that you can overcome the past. If you are feeling stressed, stuck or unhappy in life, it doesn’t have to be that way. I can help you to find a safe path to feeling better and happier in life.
My passion is to help you heal and create the life you love and dream of having. There are many ways to get to this place, and I encourage you listen to your heart to determine what will work best for you.
Set up a Counseling appointment with me and see what Hypnotherapy can do for you. It is a direct method of gaining access to the workings of the subconscious mind. Through hypnotherapy new pathways can be created and new learning gained, leading to healthier lifestyles, more positive attitudes, success and happiness. Hypnotherapy can also provide the opportunity to discover your past lives, patterns, choices, relationships, purpose in life, and much more.
Using one of a number of gentle induction techniques, you will find yourself relaxing into a wonderful peaceful state. Once there, we can begin to explore and clear problematic events and enhance wonderful ones. The results can be that you develop new, more useful, perceptions of your experiences, or desensitize the emotions around traumatic ones. Call or text me at 425.346.1244 or email to set up an appointment.
Other Recommendations:
Marla Williams & The BEING Zone System
![The BEING Zone](
The game-changing BEING Zone System training program will help you transform your life or take your practice to a higher level. You can order The BEING Zone book or sign up for The BEING Zone System online training program that I help teach. It is perfect for Do-It-Yourselfers, healers, and practitioners. Or learn by counseling with me or Coaching with Marla Williams. If you are looking for a daily pick-me-up, enjoy Marla’s Positive Prime session which has been scientifically proven to help you feel more uplifted for 6 to 8 hours after watching.
Learn From Mary Lee LaBay
Mary Lee LaBay, PhD is a Personal and Spiritual Coach, author of 10 books, and Instructor of Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression. She trained me in Hypnotherapy and Gestalt Therapy and is a phenomenal teacher. If you would like to check out her workshops and trainings, click here.
Heal With doTERRA Essential Oils
Essential Oils were a game-changer in my life and in my practice. I utilize the oils in helping my clients overcome issues or calm their system. They can help with healing and happiness. We can discuss what oils are best for you in your counseling session or if you know what you love and need, you can order directly on my DoTERRA website. Click here to learn more.
Soul Shack Sisters
Tonya De’laine provides coaching, yoga, health and helps build sisterhood. I recommend you check her out if you are seeking Health & Clarity Coaching, Yoga & Meditation, Ayurveda Wellness & Wellness Products. Learn more at
Interview on Healing Spirits Here and There with Terri and Amanda
Click below to listen to the interview:
Amanda and Terri discussed Hypnotherapy with Jann Finley
“Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you’ll be fine.”